After the end date of the award, grant reports are generally due to the agency as follows (when in doubt check your *Notice of Award and with your Program Officer):

  • Federal – 90 days
  • Federal flow-through – 45-60 days as prime is due in 90 days
  • Non-Federal – terms and conditions (no less than 30 days)

*Review award terms and conditions to see specific requirements that apply to the award.

The PI submits the technical/progress report to the agency and a copy to OSRP.

Note: Reports are submitted to the agency through the applicable website:, eRA Commons, etc. Please refer to the award for the method of submission for your closeout reports.


Delinquent Reports:

If the reports are delinquent* you should take the following action:

  • Contact OSRP-Post Awards
  • File for an extension if available

*Please note that the agency may impose penalties for delinquent reports.



Office of Sponsored Research and Programs

Supporting Faculty and Staff Fundraising Goals

Office Location:
1041 Ninth Street Park, Auraria Campus, Denver

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP)
Campus Box 4
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362